The Rochester Plant Engineers Board of Directors voted this year to donate money to the Rochester Construction Training Center. On December 12, 2023, Rochester Plant Engineers donated $1,500 to the Rochester Construction Training Center. The RPE’s mission is to donate the money raised as a scholarship to local college students, local building trades apprentice’s classes and/or offer educational certified classes at a discounted rate to all individuals attending in the Rochester area.
About the Rochester Construction Training Center
The Rochester Construction Training Center (RCTC) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization providing quality training that develops experienced and productive construction laborers to meet the needs of the construction industry. We accept all trainees regardless of their social status, race, religion criminal history, etc. Our goal is the train people so they can become gainfully employed and self sufficient.
Education is the key to entry into the workforce. Low education levels are linked with poor health, more stress and lower self confidence. Through our hands on training program, every student comes out with the necessary skills to enter the workforce, a high degree of confidence and a positive can do attitude.
In addition to providing training on basic construction skills, we also provide education and practice with finance management, resume writing, communication skills and positive social interaction.
The RCTC held it’s first class in 2018. Since then, 80% of the students who begin the program graduate and are equipped with the necessary skills to enter the construction trade.
We have consistently increased the number of classes we hold each year and continue to have a backlog of applicable awaiting future enrollment.
Training Curriculum
We offer a 90 day training that will introduce you to 12 major construction skills, safety and job readiness. Those completing the entire training will receive a certificate.
More Information:
Rochester Construction Training Center
1439 Buffalo Road
Rochester, NY 14624
(585) 235-4455
Visit us on the Web: